Full-Stack Engineer | Senior React developer

<aside> 👋 Hi! I am a software engineer from Vilnius, Lithuania with 6+ years of commercial experience. I specialize in full-stack development using React, Typescript, Next.js, and Node.js. I take responsibility for product development and think about end-users.


📍 Vilnius, Lithuania

🔗 Github Arctic Code Vault Contributor

🔈 English fluently, Japanese N1, Belarusian native, Russian native

📌 Remote, office, or hybrid

⚙️ Blockchain enthusiast

<aside> 🎨 Code is an artistry Coding for me is a way to express myself


🟡 Skills

Front-end TypeScript & JavaScript, React, Zustand, Redux, Tailwind CSS, DaisyUI, Styled-components, GraphQL, SolidJS, UnoCSS

DevOps tools Docker, AWS (EC2, RDS, API Gateway, Lambda, DynamoDB, SQS, CloudFront)

Back-end Next.js, Node.js, Express

Databases PostgreSQL, MySQL

Blockchain development Wagmi, Viem (Ethers, Web3.js), Solidity, Truffle Framework

Special Features

Tiptap, React Three Fiber

🟡 Featured projects


🟡 Education

Belarusian State Technological University Informational systems and technologies. Here I got fundamental knowledge of Relational databases (Oracle, Microsoft SQL), OOP languages (C++, C#, Java), computer networks, distributed systems, and information security. Thanks to this, I've had my push towards learning deeply and enjoying this industry. Bachelor degree. 2015-2019